Free Cost Segregation Analysis

Free Cost Segregation Analysis 

Hotel Room — Rochester, MN — Cost Segregation Services Inc.

Cost Segregation allows you to depreciate your building more rapidly to get the tax deductions NOW rather than later. If you’re making money and paying taxes, then tax deductions are a good thing! Cost Segregation is a large deduction that most commercial property owners do not know about. This reduces your Federal Income Taxes.

Most Tax Professionals do not do Cost Segregation because it’s not an Accounting specialty. We partner with your Tax Professional to get this done.

Our company has completed over 50,000 studies in all 50 states for clients who own residential rentals, vacation rentals, hotels, office buildings, retail buildings, warehouses, self-storage facilities, and many other building types.

The Study takes about 4 weeks to complete. Most clients eliminate having to pay quarterly tax payments for 4 quarters or more! This obviously frees up cash flow.

Analysis — Rochester, MN — Cost Segregation Services Inc.


Get a FREE Cost Segregation Analysis by filling in the form below.

Get A FREE, No-Obligation Cost Segregation Analysis

The reason to have a Cost Segregation Study done is the time value of money. $25,000 today is worth more than it will be 10 years from now.

Get a free, no-obligation Cost Segregation analysis today. Simply fill in the form on the right side of your screen to get started!

 For further information about Cost Segregation Services Inc., call 888-303-4874.

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